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What is ReversedAIML?

How finished is ReversedAIML?

How does ReversedAIML really work?

What do I need to install?

What is ReversedAIML for? 

How do I configure ReversedAIML?

Where do I get ReversedAIML?

What is Charlix?

First, thanks for your interest in ReversedAIML.

What is ReversedAIML?

It is part of the charlix project.

ReversedAIML is an AIML file that transforms simple text into AIML. Basically, it analyzes each sentence and embeds possible questions about the content into AIML. It does this by searching for and analyzing the verbs, objects and other grammatical elements in each sentence.

For example, if ReversedAIML 'reads' this sentence: "Charlix is a desktop assistant." it creates the following questions:


These questions are embedded in AIML, and can be used for any AIML-based application.

ReversedAIML is based in A.I.M.L. (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) code from the implementation of Dr. Richard S. Wallace's A.L.I.C.E. system. For more information about the A.L.I.C.E. Foundation (including information on AIML), visit the A.L.I.C.E. homepage.

He made the following video tutorial explaining ReversedAiml:

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How finished is ReversedAIML?

ReversedAIML is and probably will never be finished. For one, language and grammar are eternally changing, and beyond that, computers' understanding and analysis of natural human language is constantly evolving.

However, ReversedAIML is already usable and can fit the simple needs of botmasters eager to add knowledge to their AIML bots.

Here are the various improvements from previous versions.



- Main grammar elements, the configuration and questions were split into 7 files:ra-adj.aiml ra-adverb.aiml ra-noun.aiml ra-prep.aiml ra-verb.aiml ra-main.aiml ra-questions.aiml

- adjctives are identified; the most subjective ones are omitted in questions.

- The value of the answer is written in the generated code inside a new variable "ans".

For example with the input: Charles loves lena.

<category><pattern> DOES CHARLES LOVE LENA</pattern><template><set name="ans">Yes</set>. Charles loves lena.</template></category>
<category><pattern> WHO DOES CHARLES LOVE</pattern><template><set name="ans">Lena</set>. Charles loves lena.</template></category>
<category><pattern> WHO LOVES LENA</pattern><template><set name="ans">Charles</set>. Charles loves lena.</template></category>

## added a HELP category with new options:

+ The values of it, he, she and they, when determined, can be written in the generated code.

<category><pattern> DOES CHARLES LOVE LENA</pattern><template><set name="ans">Yes</set>. Charles loves lena.<think><set name="he">charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>
<category><pattern> WHO DOES CHARLES LOVE</pattern><template><set name="ans">Lena</set>. Charles loves lena.<think><set name="he">charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>
<category><pattern> WHO LOVES LENA</pattern><template><set name="ans">Charles</set>. Charles loves lena.<think><set name="he">charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>

+ the original sentence can be saved in a distinct category, these categories can be counted up to SENTENCE999999.

<category><pattern>SENTENCE1 </srai></pattern><template>Charles loves lena. </template></category>
<category><pattern> DOES CHARLES LOVE LENA</pattern><template><set name="ans">Yes</set>. <srai>SENTENCE1 </srai><think><set name="he">charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>
<category><pattern> WHO DOES CHARLES LOVE</pattern><template><set name="ans">Lena</set>. <srai>SENTENCE1 </srai><think>charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>
<category><pattern> WHO LOVES LENA</pattern><template><set name="ans">Charles</set>. <srai>SENTENCE1 </srai><think><set name="he">charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>

<category><pattern>SENTENCE2 </srai></pattern><template>Lena is nice. </template></category>
<category><pattern> HOW IS LENA </pattern><template><set name="ans">NICE</set>. <srai>SENTENCE2 </srai><think><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>

+ Reversedaiml can create code that will match any input containing the subject or the object:

<category><pattern> CHARLES</pattern><template>Charles loves lena. <think><set name="he">charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think> </template></category>
<category><pattern> CHARLES *</pattern><template><srai>charles</srai></template></category>
<category><pattern> _ CHARLES *</pattern><template><srai>charles</srai></template></category>
<category><pattern> _ CHARLES</pattern><template><srai>charles</srai></template></category>
<category><pattern> LENA</pattern><template>Charles loves lena. <think><set name="he">charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think> </template></category>
<category><pattern> LENA *</pattern><template><srai>lena</srai></template></category>
<category><pattern> _ LENA *</pattern><template><srai>lena</srai></template></category>
<category><pattern> _ LENA</pattern><template><srai>lena</srai></template></category>

+ You can set a treebranch prefix. It can be useful for using topic context without the topic tag, and of course to use reversedaiml with a completely prefixed aiml set... (Hopefully in the next charlix)

<category><pattern>SENTENCE3 </srai></pattern><template>Charles loves lena. </template></category>
<category><pattern>LOVESTORY DOES CHARLES LOVE LENA</pattern><template><set name="ans">Yes</set>. <srai>SENTENCE3 </srai><think><set name="he">charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>
<category><pattern>LOVESTORY WHO DOES CHARLES LOVE</pattern><template><set name="ans">Lena</set>. <srai>SENTENCE3 </srai><think><set name="he">charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>
<category><pattern>LOVESTORY WHO LOVES LENA</pattern><template><set name="ans">Charles</set>. <srai>SENTENCE3 </srai><think><set name="he">charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>

## For more information on options, submit "HELP"

- Some indirect objects and verbs with particles or (and) prepositions are processed better:

<category><pattern>SENTENCE5 </srai></pattern><template>Charles compliments lena on her eyes. </template></category>
<category><pattern> DOES CHARLES COMPLIMENT LENA</pattern><template><set name="ans">Yes</set>. <srai>SENTENCE5 </srai><think><set name="he">charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>
<category><pattern> WHO DOES CHARLES COMPLIMENT</pattern><template><set name="ans">Lena ON her eyes</set>. <srai>SENTENCE5 </srai><think><set name="he">charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>
<category><pattern> WHAT DOES CHARLES COMPLIMENT</pattern><template><set name="ans">Lena ON her eyes</set>. <srai>SENTENCE5</srai><think><set name="he">charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>
<category><pattern> WHO DOES CHARLES COMPLIMENT ON HER EYES</pattern><template><set name="ans">Lena</set>. <srai>SENTENCE5 </srai><think><set name="he">charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>
<category><pattern> WHAT DOES CHARLES COMPLIMENT LENA ON</pattern><template><set name="ans">ON her eyes</set>. <srai>SENTENCE5 </srai><think><set name="he">charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>
<category><pattern> WHO COMPLIMENTS LENA</pattern><template><set name="ans">Charles</set>. <srai>SENTENCE5 </srai><think><set name="he">charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>
<category><pattern> WHO COMPLIMENTS ON HER EYES</pattern><template><set name="ans">Charles</set>. <srai>SENTENCE5 </srai><think><set name="he">charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>
<category><pattern> WHO COMPLIMENTS LENA ON HER EYES</pattern><template><set name="ans">Charles</set>. <srai>SENTENCE5 </srai><think><set name="he">charles</set><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>

- indirect speech is split better:

<category><pattern>SENTENCE6 </srai></pattern><template>Charles said that he misses lena. </template></category>
<category><pattern> DID CHARLES SAY THAT HE MISSES LENA</pattern><template><set name="ans">Yes</set>. <srai>SENTENCE6 </srai><think><set name="he">charles</set>that he misses lena</set></think></template></category>
<category><pattern> WHAT DID CHARLES SAY</pattern><template><set name="ans">That he misses lena</set>. <srai>SENTENCE6 </srai><think><set name="he">charles</set>that he misses lena</set></think></template></category>
<category><pattern> WHO SAID THAT HE MISSES LENA</pattern><template><set name="ans">Charles</set>. <srai>SENTENCE6 </srai><think><set name="he">charles</set>that he misses lena</set></think></template></category>
<category><pattern>SENTENCE7 </srai></pattern><template>Charles said that he misses lena. </template></category>
<category><pattern> DOES CHARLES MISS LENA</pattern><template><set name="ans">Yes</set>. <srai>SENTENCE7 </srai><think><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>
<category><pattern> WHO DOES CHARLES MISS</pattern><template><set name="ans">Lena</set>. <srai>SENTENCE7 </srai><think><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>
<category><pattern> WHO MISSES LENA</pattern><template><set name="ans">Charles</set>. <srai>SENTENCE7 </srai><think><set name="she">lena</set></think></template></category>

- removed all condition tags because interpreters don't handle * and empty variables the same way. So reversedaiml should work with any interpreters allowing unlimited recursions

- more comments and improved code visibility. (hoping that the code can be reused)

- One more time: lots of testing and other improvements.

No more topic setting to get a separate graphmaster; instead, a simple initialization through the pick-up category.
Better analysis of the objects and subjects of verbs: a list of people hyponyms enables it to guess if objects and subjects are persons or things  (to choose between who and what), and sometimes their gender (he, she and they can be set).
Passive form sentences are transformed to active in a recursion. For example: "Robots are created by people" becomes "People create robots".
Lots of testing and improvements.

Better recognition of the objects and subjects of verbs.
Infintive verbs, tenses, numbers, dates and adverbs are managed better.
The topic setting is automatic.
Lots of testing was done, so all in all some of the questions generated should be relevant.
Implementation of "it" (first verb's subject).


Grammatical corrections.
List of verbs completed.

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How does ReversedAIML really work?

It is based in A.I.M.L. (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) code.

Here is what you get with reversedAIML in Libaiml:
(comments are in black)

You: libaiml works well with libaiml
Bot: <category><pattern>HOW MUCH  DOES LIBAIML WORK</pattern><template>Libaiml works well with libaiml. </template></category> <category><pattern>HOW MANY  DOES LIBAIML WORK</pattern><template>Libaiml works well with libaiml. </template></category>  (not all questions are relevant)
<category><pattern>WHAT WORKS WITH LIBAIML</pattern><template>Libaiml works well with libaiml. </template></category>  <category><pattern>DOES LIBAIML WORK WITH LIBAIML</pattern><template>Libaiml works well with libaiml. </template></category>   <category><pattern>WHO DOES LIBAIML WORK  WITH</pattern><template>Libaiml works well with libaiml. </template></category>
<category><pattern>WHAT DOES LIBAIML WORK  WITH</pattern><template>Libaiml works well with libaiml. </template></category> <category><pattern>HOW DOES LIBAIML WORK </pattern><template>Libaiml works well with libaiml. </template></category>
Match path:
pattern:[INITQUESTION] (initialisation)
pattern:[RA] [_] [WELL] [*] (identified adverb)
pattern:[RA] [*] [WORKS] [*] (identified verb)
pattern:[WHOT1] [*]
pattern:[WHU] [*] [WHOT1]
pattern:[WHUT] [*]
pattern:[WHONT] [WHOT1] [*]
pattern:[THEWHAT1] [*] (the subject is a thing)
pattern:[WHOT2] [HOWMUCHADV] [*]
pattern:[WHOT] [HOWMUCHADV] (identified adverb "well" results in a "How much" question)
pattern:[RA] [1HOWMUCHADV]
pattern:[ADDQUESTION] [*]
pattern:[WHOT2] [WITH] [*]
pattern:[WHOT2] [APREP] [*]
pattern:[WHOT2] pattern:[ADDWHOT1] (no object)
pattern:[RA] [REMOVEALL] [*]
pattern:[ADDQUESTION] [*]
pattern:[WHOT] [WITH] [*]
pattern:[WHOT] [APREP] [*]
pattern:[WHOTASK] [WITH] [*]
pattern:[ADDQUESTION] [*]
pattern:[RA] [*] pattern:[RA] [*]
pattern:[ENDOFSENTENCE] (questions are printed:)
pattern:[ASKQUESTIONS] [*] [*]
pattern:[ASKQUESTIONS] [*] [*]

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What do I need to install?

You need an AIML interpreter.

The most compatible interpreter (especially for development) that I tested was Libaiml. Insert the the aiml file in the directory /test-app/aiml.

It should work just as nicely with ProgramQ. However, some sentences might not work due to an overly strict detection of recursive loops. Create a folder inside the directory /aiml and insert the aiml file in it.

It should also work with the last Rebecca. Unfortunately, RebeccaAIML does not yet reset predicate values, so you need to restart the interpreter for each sentence. Insert the the aiml file in the directory /aiml/annotated-alice.

There exist plenty of other interpreters, but I have not tested them with ReversedAIML.

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What is ReversedAIML for?

ReversedAIML can be used for any kind of natural language processing.

If you find any use for it, feedback and feature requests are welcome.
Contact me through my e-mail:  chcdsl(cat)yahoo(dog)fr (cat for "@" and dog for ".")

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How do I configure ReversedAIML?

To add a source link you need to paste your URL in the code of the category SET SOURCE then start with "set source".

If a "what" question is created when it should be a "who" question, you can add the name to the list of hyponyms of people at the end of the file.

You can edit more questions in the categories starting with the corresponding ASKQUESTIONS. (to find out check the recursion logs)

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Charlix is a desktop assistant.
He is based in AIML from the implementation of Dr. Richard S. Wallace's A.L.I.C.E. system. For more information : A.L.I.C.E. homepage.

Charlix is embedded in QAIML

Qaiml is the most compliant and user-friendly interpreter. Charlix has been integrated in the binary version.
All you have to do to try charlix is to download QAIML, run and have fun... 

Definition Progress Explanation Installation Application Configuration

  Webmaster Charles Chevallier